2022 Investigator Meeting
2022 P-ICECAP Investigator Meeting
Clearwater, FL
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P-ICECAP Investigator Kick-Off Meeting
Day 1 Presentations and Slides
Brief History & Overview - Dr. William Meurer
SIREN Overview - Dr. Robert Silbergleit
Day 2 Presentations and Slides
State of the Science - Dr. Alexis Topjian
P-ICECAP Screening & Enrollment - Moni Weber
Protocol Overview - Dr. Frank Moler
Clinical Standardization - Dr. Alexis Topjian
Consenting Lessons from THAPCA - Moni Weber
WebDCU for Everyone - Sara Butler
Protocol and Standardization Game - Kahoot! - Dr. William Meurer
Adverse Event Reporting - Dr. Robert Silbergleit
Baseline and Central-Measured Outcomes - Dr. Beth Slomine
Neurological Outcomes - Dr. Faye Silverstein
Adaptive Design - Dr. John VanBuren
Day 3 Presentations and Slides
Milestones & Finance - Valerie Stevenson
Regulatory Readiness - Carol Van Huysen
Ancillary Study Ideas - Dr. Alexis Topjian
Publications - Dr. Frank Moler
SIREN Website Orientation - Courtney Miller
Protocol & Standardization Game - Kahoot! Part II - Dr. William Meurer
Open Forum Q & A - Drs. Frank Moler, Alexis Topjian, & William Meurer
P-ICECAP Investigator Kick-Off Meeting
Day 1 - Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Slides (Google Slides)
Slides (PDF)
Welcome - Dr. Frank Moler
Brief History and Overview - Dr. William Meurer
Slides (PowerPoint)
SIREN Overview - Dr. Robert Silbergleit
Slides (PowerPoint)
Day 1 Q & A - All Faculty
Day 2 - Thursday, May 5th, 2022
Slides (Google Slides)
Slides (PDF)
State of the Science - Dr. Alexis Topjian
*Please note the first 10 minutes of this presentation was not recorded*
Slides (PowerPoint)
P-ICECAP Screening & Enrollment - Moni Weber
Slides (PowerPoint)
P-ICECAP Protocol Overview - Dr. Frank Moler
Slides (PowerPoint)
Clinical Standardization - Dr. Alexis Topjian
Slides (PowerPoint)
Consenting Lessons from THAPCA - Moni Weber
Slides (PowerPoint)
WebDCU for Everyone - Sara Butler
There are no slides for this presentation
Protocol and Standardization Game - Kahoot! - Dr. William Meurer
There are no slides for this presentation
Adverse Event Reporting - Dr. Robert Silbergleit
Slides (PowerPoint)
Baseline and Central-Measured Outcomes - Dr. Beth Slomine
Slides (PowerPoint)
Neurological Outcomes - Dr. Faye Silverstein
Slides (PowerPoint)
Adaptive Design - Dr. John VanBuren
Slides (PowerPoint)
Day 3 - Friday, May 6th, 2022
Slides (Google Slides)
Slides (PDF)
Milestones & Finance - Valerie Stevenson
Slides (PowerPoint)
Regulatory Readiness - Carol Van Huysen
Slides (PowerPoint)
Ancillary Study Ideas - Dr. Alexis Topjian
Slides (PowerPoint)
Publications - Dr. Frank Moler
There are no slides for this presentation
Website Orientation - Courtney Miller
There are no slides for this presentation
Protocol and Standardization Game - Kahoot! Part II - Dr. William Meurer
There are no slides for this presentation
Open Forum Q & A - Drs. Frank Moler, Alexis Topjian, & William Meurer
There are no slides for this presentation