Research Professionals

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CRFs of the Day

Education Spotlight

E-Consent Presentations

Monthly Study Coordinator Calls

Study Coordinator Continuing Education Resources


SIREN hosts monthly Study Coordinator calls for coordinators within the network. These calls take place on the first Tuesday of the month at 1pm ET and consist of updates for each trial as well as monthly education spotlights. The spotlights focus on an educational topic relevant to all coordinators and rotates monthly. 

Depending on the topic, the monthly Study Coordinator calls me be eligible for continuing education for ACRP and SOCRA. If you would like credit for attending please complete  this survey to receive an attendance certificate.

Have a request for an education spotlight? Reach out here


Education Spotlights

Clear and Compassionate Communication: Using Plain Language in Research


Video coming soon


Motivational Interviewing for Research Coordinators




Withdrawal of Consent Best Practices - Presented by Dr. Robert Silbergleit


SAE Reporting Tidbits and Pearls 3-1-22 

Presenter: Robert Silbergleit, MD

Issues Table Reporting from Education Spotlight 3-2-21
Writing Good SAE Narratives 9-12-17
Presenter: Robert Silbergleit, MD
Adverse Event Reporting 8-1-17 
Presenter: Robert Silbergleit, MD


Lessons Learned from HOBIT 5-7-19
Presenter: University of Minnesota


Presenter: Robert Silbergleit, MD
This is a slideset that was presented at the October Educational Spotlight.

CRFs of the Day

ICECAP CRFs of the Day are located on the ICECAP education page here


Study Coordinator Continuing Education Resources

Clinical Research Coordinators (CRCs) and Project Managers (PMs) certified through SOCRA or ACRP are required to maintain their certification and can do so through completing continuing education credits. SIREN has many available educational opportunities that may be applied toward these continuing education requirements. Many of these resources have been aggregated here to support the network's CRCs and PMs certification maintenance. Please review your recertification requirements on your particular certification, as the requirements for SOCRA and ACRP vary and these resources do not fulfill all of the requirements. 


SIREN Educational Content Attestation Survey

If you are completing online content and need a certificate to turn in, please complete this survey to receive a certificate.


Investigator Meetings

Presentations greater than 45 minutes on general research topics during investigator meetings can be counted toward continuing educations. The presentation cannot be study specific. If you have attended an investigator meeting with a qualifying presentation you may submit the agenda and verification of attending as a CE credit. For verification of attending, please contact either your supervisor or the site manager. Alternatively, if the IM was recorded you may view the recording and complete the attestation provided below. 


Journal Club

The SIREN Journal Club is eligible for CMEs which can be used for SOCRA and ACRP CEs. Please reach out to Courtney Miller following the Journal Club you attended to receive instructions on claiming CME. If you are viewing a previous recording and it is after 90 days of the live session, you cannot claim CME. However, you may use the above attestation survey to receive a certificate. You can view the recordings of previous Journal Clubs here


SIREN Didactic Presentations for Fellows and Colleagues

The SIREN Didactic Presentations are often on general research topics eligible for SOCRA and ACRP CEs. If you have attended a live session or viewed a previous recording and would like to receive a certificate, please use the above SIREN educational content attestation. You can view the previous recordings here


Clinical Trials Methodology Course Webinars

All CTMC webinars are archived on the CTMC YouTube page and are focused on general research topics eligible for SOCRA and ACRP CEs. If you would like to receive credit for viewing these recordings please take the above attestation survey for EACH webinar viewed. 


Study Coordinator Meetings

Attending the live study coordinator meeting is eligible for SOCRA and ACRP CEs. Please download the agenda sent prior to the meeting and request verification of attendance after the meeting. The full length of the meetings are not posted online and are not eligible for CEs. 


Miscellaneous Presentations

SIREN is often hosting presentations for various trials not listed above. If you would like to claim SOCRA or ACRP CEs for a miscellaneous presentation please reach out to your supervisor relevant presentation coordinator for verification of attendance.


Additional Resources

Please note the below resources are not created or owned by SIREN. These are additional resources that are publicly available to help CRCs continue their education. If you would like to suggest another resource to be listed here please contact us

The DIAMOND Portal: DIAMOND is a collaborative source of training resources for clinical and translational research professionals. The trainings are free to access.