2023 PICECAP Investigator Meeting


2022 Investigator Meeting 


2023 PICECAP Investigator Meeting

Denver, CO

May 9 - 10

Wednesday, May 10


Screening and Enrollment Lessons - Presented by Moni Weber

Cooling Basics - Clinical Considerations and Protocol Review - Presented by Dr. Frank Moler

Cooling Curves - Quality Reviews - Presented by Dr. Frank Moler

Consenting Lessons - Demonstration - Presented by Dr. Matthew Kirschen & Moni Weber

WebDCU Reminders - Presented by Liz O’Donohue & Sara Butler

Make your MARF.  What's a MARF? - Presented by Drs. John VanBuren & Rich Holubkov

Papers: Tertiary and Quaternary - Presented by Dr. Frank Moler

“What people got wrong” - Kahoot! Part 1 - Presented by Dr. Will Meurer

The Critical Role of Sites in Baseline and Outcome Assessments - Presented by Beth Slomine & Moni Weber

Introducing the P-ICECAP App - Presented by Moni Weber

CRF Completion Struggles - Presented by Dr. Will Meurer & Liz O'Donohue

Clinical Standardization - Presented by Dr. Will Meurer

Thursday, May 11



Questions About Finance - Presented by Valerie Stevenson

What to Expect When You are Expecting a Site Monitoring Visit - Presented by Carol Van Huysen

Ancillary Study Ideas - Breakouts?  CABO, Extended, EEG? - Presented by Drs. Frank Moler, Will Meurer, & Ancillary PI's

AE Reporting: Now That You're In It - Presented by Drs. Robert Silbergleit and Rodney Daniels

Protocol and Standardization Game - Kahoot!  Part 2 - Presented by Dr. Will Meurer & Moni Weber